AS Classes

Dear Parent,

First and foremost, I hope that you and your family are safe and well during this challenging time. We send our warmest wishes to anyone who has been affected by this pandemic.

As you are aware, since the government’s announcement of school closures, we have closed our doors at the North Orbital Centre. However, during the Easter break, I have been working on an online platform to continue delivering tuition for all of our subjects, to our high standards.

Many of you and your parents have understandably shared your concerns about the pressure of your exams, with so many gaps in the curriculum due to the time lost this academic year. I echo your concerns and that is why I think it is prudent that you continue receiving support from us, using innovative virtual means.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join a week of virtual lessons for current Year 11 students to do AS classes, commencing on the week of 09th May 2020, completely free of charge for one week. After that we will charge £20 per hour.

To get the virtual classes set up, please find attached the timetable below, and confirm your place by emailing  us back by 5pm on Thursday 07th May.

 Once you confirmed we will send the login details. Please feel free to get in touch i if you have any other questions.

Yours sincerely,

Mani Ganesh

AS- Saturday

Biology 9-10 am

Chemistry : 10-11 am

Maths : 11-1

Physics : 1-2

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